FAQ about lice and lice treatment
at Lice Out, we receive daily questions about head lice and how our lice treatment works. here are the answers to the most common questions!
what are lice?
head lice are parasitic insects that feed on human blood. similar to mosquitoes, they need to feed continuously. interestingly, lice may prefer certain individuals based on their blood composition.
2. who can get lice?
a lice infestation is most common among children aged 3 to 11 and their family members. however, since lice are highly contagious, anyone can get them, regardless of age.
3. how to know if you have lice?
itchiness from louse bites is usually the first sign, along with the sensation of something moving in your hair. difficulty sleeping (lice are more active at night) and scalp lesions caused by scratching are also indicators that it's time for a professional lice screening.
4. how to prevent lice?
to prevent lice, avoid head-to-head contact, which is how lice spread. do not share personal items like brushes, hats, or headbands. it's also helpful to tie hair up or braid it, and once a week, comb through the hair thoroughly to check for lice or nits.
5. how effective is lice treatment?
not all lice treatments are effective. products like lice shampoos can kill lice but won't eliminate nits, which will hatch and lead to another infestation. the only truly effective solution is to visit a professional lice removal salon.
at Lice Out, our 100% natural treatment combines a certified vacuum system to remove lice, a professional nits comb to eliminate eggs, and a detailed inspection with a magnifying glass to ensure no lice or nits are left. we also offer a follow-up session after one week to make sure your family stays lice-free.
about Lice Out
Lice Out is Dubai's leading lice removal salon, offering professional lice treatment with thousands of successful cases. our 100% natural treatment is guaranteed to eliminate lice and nits in just one hour. whether you're dealing with an itchy scalp or lice in long, thick hair, we have the best solution for you.
get rid of lice today! lice free, we guarantee!