how do you know if you have lice?
lice can become very annoying and uncomfortable. while they are most commonly found on the head, other types of lice can appear on the body or in pubic areas. in this article, we explain how to know if you have lice. one of the most common ways to get lice is by sharing personal items like hats or brushes with someone who has lice, which is why lice infestations are common among children.
how do i check myself for lice?
lice feed on the blood they suck from our heads, causing persistent itching. this itchiness, which can range from mild to severe as the lice infestation grows, is the primary sign of lice. the sensation is often intense and persistent across various parts of the scalp.
another clear sign is feeling something crawling on your scalp, which can be uncomfortable. as lice reproduce and feed, they grow in size, making it easier to feel them moving across the scalp.
lice reproduce quickly by laying eggs, known as nits, which are usually white and often mistaken for dandruff. to differentiate them, check out our article, "do i have dandruff or lice?". nits are often visible in dark hair and are another indicator that you have lice.
those with lice often develop small sores on their scalp from scratching the itchiness they cause. if you suspect you have lice, check for both nits and lice closely.
many adults ignore the symptoms, thinking they’re immune, but lice can affect anyone. if you notice itchiness, it’s time to schedule a professional lice screening.
about Lice Out
Lice Out is Dubai's leading lice removal salon, offering professional lice treatment with thousands of successful cases. our 100% natural treatment is guaranteed to eliminate lice and nits in just one hour. whether you're dealing with an itchy scalp or lice in long, thick hair, we have the best solution for you.
get rid of lice today! lice free, we guarantee!