how to prevent lice?
lice can be a real headache for mothers, often linked to schools or nurseries. however, the real culprit can sometimes be closer to home. prevention begins at home, and while children are more susceptible to lice, these infestations can quickly spread to all family members.
that’s why everyone should take part in a weekly lice inspection routine to ensure early detection and prevention.
what stops head lice?
follow this weekly lice prevention routine at home to keep lice away:
set up one day a week to review all family members' hair using a professional lice comb.
wash sheets, pillowcases, and towels at least once a week to avoid any spread of lice or nits.
do not share personal items such as brushes, combs, hair ribbons, hats, and scarves.
vacuum car mats and upholstery, especially where children typically sit, to prevent lice from lingering.
home remedies vs. professional lice treatment
while these habits help you prevent lice, if an infestation occurs, many home remedies for lice claim to get rid of lice fast. however, none are effective at removing the nits, which will hatch and cause another infestation within days. the best way to handle a lice infestation is to visit a professional lice removal salon.
at Lice Out, we provide effective lice treatment to ensure your family stays lice-free. together, we can solve this problem and prevent future infestations!
about Lice Out
Lice Out is Dubai's leading lice removal salon, offering professional lice treatment with thousands of successful cases. our 100% natural treatment is guaranteed to eliminate lice and nits in just one hour. whether you're dealing with an itchy scalp or lice in long, thick hair, we have the best solution for you.
get rid of lice today! lice free, we guarantee!