who can get lice?

lice in chidren

a lice infestation is most frequent among children aged 3 to 11 years and their family members. but since lice are contagious, anyone can get them.

signs & symptoms

Hair lice and nits
  • itchiness caused by the louse bites.

  • something moving in the hair.

  • sleep disorder, lice are more active in the dark.

  • scalp lesions caused by scratching.

sores can become infected, and a lice infestation can have several consequences on children’s health and affect their school performance!

what are lice and nits?

about lice

head lice are parasitic insects that feed on human blood. because they do not tolerate a lack of food, they feed continuously (like mosquitoes). lice prefer certain people more than others, depending on the composition of their blood.

how to prevent lice?


avoiding head-to-head contact or not being too close with someone with lice


wearing the hair up in a bun, ponytail, braids, or covered with a scarf


do not share brushes, combs, towels, hats, scarves, or hair ribbons


checking your children’s head every week with a professional comb


use Lice Out anti lice hair products to avoid a new lice infestation

facts & myths about lice

lice don’t jump or fly

lice are "only" fast walkers, and in a matter of seconds, they can crawl from one head to another. so contamination occurs by head-to-head contact. anyone in touch with someone with lice is at high risk.

lice don’t choose age, gender, or social-economical class

lice only need heat and blood to feed and reproduce. so anyone can be equally exposed. just because we are adults, don't ignore symptoms and think that we are immune. the threat is there!

lice can’t cause diseases

lice aren’t a disease nor a health risk that requires alarm. however, using nails to reduce itchiness can cause injuries. extreme cases can even cause anemia, sleep disorder, and lack of attention in the school.

lice are able to survive underwater for up to eight hours

lice hold tightly and don't go away when submerged underwater. even chlorine in pools can't kill lice. although lice are unlikely to be spread in the water, it's a good idea to avoid sharing towels or other items.

pets don’t spread lice

lice can't feed on pets' blood! but pay attention, if there's a lice infestation in the house, pets can carry lice through clothes, brushes, or pillows that they use, and which children can be in contact with their heads.

getting lice is not a matter of hygiene or hair length

lice are not related to poor hygiene; they don't care about how frequently people brush or wash their hair. lice feed on human blood, so they only need one inch of hair to be closer to the scalp and keep laying eggs.

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who else is a Brooklyn 99 fan?
what can you learn from this episode?

  1. scratching due to the itchy scalp can cause lesions

  2. maple syrup won’t treat lice nor get rid of lice eggs – home remedies for lice aren’t effective

  3. the best way to get rid of lice - a professional center in hair lice removal – we comb the Lice Out from you!

  4. our treatment only takes 60 minutes, you don’t need to wait!

the most important – it can happen to anyone!